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Wild Violet

(Viola odorata)

Rare Celestial Event


Cosmological lottery ticket in a bottle


Jupiter and Neptune (both rulers of Pisces) 

met in 24° exact conjunction

for the first time since March 17, 1856

and not again until 2188.

This has not happened for 166 years


Foraged & tuned by a cis-PIscean in the morning within 

two hours of the event and bottled after sun bath:


12 April 2022

9:14 am EST


Wild Violet Energetic Properties:

Delight • Sweetness • Tranquility

An auspicious time to plant seeds (both physical and metaphysical). This celestial event has the influence to bring us together.  Trust yourself and your intuitions. Now is the time to start that thing you have always wanted to do.  Just begin.  Manifest your dreams. 


What does this mean exactly? Manifest: the proof of the reality of something.


Whether you study or are simply entertained by astrology or even if you are not interested,

take a chance and consider the cosmological lottery ticket that has found you.

All essences were originally created for the Fuite en Avant exhibition in June 2022. 


Please enjoy these blends of healing flowers that were foraged and

harmonically tuned under the stars for your personal well being.


These vibrational flower infusions were made with the sun method using only the flowers and stems

in a bath of clean water, tuned in Tibetan singing bowls and bottled in a brandy, water mix. 


How to use Flower Essences:

Take orally straight from the dropper or mix with tinctures, add to food, or drink.

Use the eye-dropper cap to place four drops under the tongue.

Do not to let the glass dropper touch anything outside of the bottle to avoid contamination. 


You can also use essences in baths, steams, sprays, on chakra points and temples

or a few drops on your pillow at bedtime.


Four drops, four times per day.


*** Please enjoy within three months of purchase ***

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