Events | Repulsive Correspondence
(virtual exhibition)
Images accepted until 30 May 2023
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(Size image to 2000 px on longest side in .jpg or .pdf format)

Around 15 April 2020, I (and 130 million other Americans) received something in the mail that was such a violation, it needed a response. During the pandemic shut-down, emergency, stimulus checks were delayed so that 46-1 could sign a letter to take personal credit for the desperately needed funds.
Chicago Sun Times on the letter
Show us what you did with your letter!
This virtual exhibition was inspired from when I shared an image
of my work with a group, and without hesitation, another artist showed me what they had done with theirs. And I wondered how many people did something (THREE YEARS AGO!) and documented the work as well. This is your chance to share in the solidarity of what you did when you open that repulsive correspondence.
After 30 May 2023, a voting poll will be sent for those who entered to choose 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. Each winner will receive a large bag of my mostly organic, harmonically tuned (with healing planetary frequencies), Fleurs de Sel Caramels in original and chocolate.